Defense Soap UK


The information provided herein, is not intended to prescribe or diagnose in any way, or meant to be a substitute for professional help. The intent is to offer uses and information about  natural remedies.  DefenseSoapUK Ltd, assumes no responsibility if you prescribe this product for yourself. (Defense Soap LLC), products should not be used by pregnant or nursing woman.

The FDA has not evaluated this statement and Defense Soap, LLC  products are not intended for prevention, treatment, cure or mitigation of any disease.

The FDA prohibits Defense Soap, LLC  or any company from claiming any anti-fungal or antibacterial properties unless the products contain man-made chemicals, approved by the FDA, that have been proven to be effective viricides or fungicides. We can, however, say that Defense Soap is a natural remedy but not a cure.

It is Defense Soap UK policy to keep our customers fully informed. Therefore we have provided a link to our parent site which contains quantitative  research, articles and links.

Warning:  Not for high blood pressure or epilepsy.  May antidote homeopathic medication.  Consult doctor before using.  For external use only.  Keep out of eyes